Reawakening the Sacred
Birth Path

Growing a sisterhood
of birth keepers

Hope Medford-  founder, former licensed & nationally certified midwife, gradute of National College of Midwifery, doula, drummer, artist, mother, birth keeper

We want every baby to be healthy,
every mother to be respected &
every birth to be sacred.

Women have been taught to fear birth.-

But with proper knowledge & support,

birth can be a sacred journey of transformation & empowerment.  

On the Sacred Birth Path

Sacred Birth Work
changes the world. . .

We are ready
you to join us! 

the Sacred Birth Keepers Course

is for expectant mamas, aspiring doulas, midwives, birth keepers,

and for those of YOU who are called to support women in the journey to motherhood.
You are invited to join us and learn the tools to…

  • Begin working as a Doula!

  • Empower each mama with knowledge about her pregnancy and birth options

  • Honor each woman’s choices within her personal family values

  • Understand the transformation a woman experiences throughout pregnancy and labor

  • Encourage each mama to trust herself & her innate ability to birth

  • Commit to helping each woman unfold and open at her own pace through her birth journey

  • Support each family to have a positive & safe birth experience

  • Establish a foundation of knowledge to supplement midwifery training


to the

Sacred Birth Path

Next course available March 2024!
Available In-Person in Hawai’i and Online.

Welcome Sister,

Women are re-awakening to the possibility that birth can be an empowering journey…

I am passionate about growing a sisterhood of birth keepers to support women & families through the sacred rite of passage of birth.

Drawing upon over 20 years of rich birth experience and having attended over 475 births as midwife, doula, and birth keeper, I’ve created the Sacred Birth Path to educate and empower birth workers everywhere.

This course weaves ancient wisdom with modern birth knowledge and holistic techniques to help you, too, develop into a Sacred Birth Keeper.

It is a powerful calling, to serve women through this sacred threshold into motherhood. and welcoming our next generation.

Join me if you hear the call...

It is an honor to welcome you to our Sacred Circle!

Love, Hope Medford

the Sacred Birth Path

Offers transformative courses crafted to encourage personal growth and self-discovery along your path to becoming a skilled birth keeper and doula.  
You will enjoy guidance from our experienced & dedicated instructor, Hope Medford, as well as from our passionate team of expert guest speakers. 

Immerse yourself in our educational program centered around weaving the physiology and psychology of birth with ancient women's wisdom.

Engage in a profound exploration of the feminine through our interactive and comprehensive curriculum, ensuring you receive an enriching educational experience.

Embark on this life-changing journey, supported by a vibrant and nurturing community of like-minded individuals, and discover the exciting possibilities within you, to support the birth of humanity in a sacred way.

You can earn our Birth Keeper Certification after graduating from our Birth Keepers Course, if you choose to complete the simple next steps of our accessible certification process! 

“Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a
woman can have.”
- Robin Lim

Values of the Sacred Birth Keepers Courses

  • Respect of Personal Values

  • Community Support & Sisterhood

  • Holistic Creative Process

  • Empowerment through Education

  • Trust in the Mother's Body

  • Honoring the Spirit of Birth

Sa·cred: cherished; worthy of awe & reverence

Birth Keeper: one with birth knowledge, training, & respect for the safety and sacredness of birth; who trusts women’s innate ability to give birth

Birth Keepers support the most profound experience in a woman’s life, the sacred journey of giving birth.

This support makes a wide-reaching impact on  the health & well-being of both mother & baby.

Sacred Birth Path

students are saying:

Online graduate

Big Island, Hawaii graduate

Kula ,
Big island, Hawaii graduate

This class changed my life! I not only gained powerful tools to help others, but I healed parts of myself as well.
— Ember
I love Hope’s teaching style, its very informative, creative, supportive, and so fun! I look forward to learning more with her.
— Joanna
This class was transformative for me. I learned enough to expand my professional career options, and I grew wonderful new friendships.
— Naia

Childbirth has increasingly been seen as a medical event rather than a natural process, leading to unnecessary interventions and risks.

This robs women of their authentic birth experience, leaving them feeling disempowered and disconnected, and often causing physical and emotional suffering.

It can also hinder bonding and breastfeeding, which has long-lasting consequences affecting the well-being of both mother and baby.

We need more birth keepers
to protect the sacred birth space and advocate for respecting the authentic power of birth

We need you!

Join us

for an educational immersion into the feminine,

where you will receive the training needed
to become a
Sacred Birth Keeper