Enroll Now

in the Sacred Birth Path

Our Core Birth Keeper Offerings


A self-paced course

Weekly LIVE ZOOM classes with Hope and classmates for 11 weeks & engage our interactive Teachable class platform!

You will enjoy
guest speakers, articles, videos, diagrams & more in our Teachable classroom!

Big Island, Hawaii

In-person at our beautiful Classroom

In-person in lower Pahoa, Wednesdays 9:30am-2:30. (with lunch break)
We meet weekly in our learning casa, surrounded by tropical gardens.

You will enjoy our in-person weekly community experience, as well as have access to our online Teachable classroom!

Choose Your Course

Join us
on for our ONLINE
Sacred Birth Keepers Course
at our beautiful classroom
on Big Island, Hawaii.

Join us &
transform the world, one birth at a time!